How a hair loss doctor can help regain lost confidence

Doctor examining a patient's scalp

Your hair is one of your most important features. How you style it and other distinguishing features, such as color, texture, and thickness, believe it or not, are what people notice about you at first glance.

Hair loss can deal a heavy blow on anyone’s self-esteem. Many others like yourself are walking around feeling like they have lost a part of themselves due to hair loss. There was a time when hair loss solutions were relatively limited. Fortunately, there has never been a time when people with hair loss problems have these many options for hair restoration.

Even better news is that hair loss treatments keep advancing, and there is no other way to go but up. To find out what options are available to you, make an appointment with a reputable hair loss doctor. Here’s how a hair loss doctor can help restore your self-confidence.

Get A Clinical Hair Loss Evaluation and Diagnosis

Critical to the process of restoring hair is finding out your type of hair loss and what caused it. Your doctor will assess your hair loss pattern, which indicates different disease processes, and perform a pull test, pluck test, or scalp count test. Hair shedding, hair thinning, and hair breakage are treated differently. Nothing empowers patients in making a decision about their health like understanding what is causing their hair loss.

Restore Your Hair Through Follicular Unit Excision (FUE)

FUE involves harvesting small units of individual hairs from a donor site and meticulously implanting them into thinned areas of the scalp. Since hairs are harvested individually, there is little trauma, allowing the harvest site to heal in just a few days. This method of hair transplantation is discreet and effectively creates the appearance of a fuller, thicker head of hair.

Use Advanced Regenerative Treatments

Hair loss treatments have come a long way, and there are now more options, often combined treatments, to achieve a patient’s desired results. Your hair loss doctor may recommend the use of regenerative medicine, such as ACell and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to boost your body’s ability to repair itself and help with the regeneration of new hair follicles. ACell’s MatriStem technology acts as a scaffolding for new tissue growth, while PRP therapy involves injecting highly concentrated platelet-rich plasma into the scalp to repair and remodel damaged tissues. Both treatments can be used to maximize the results of hair transplant surgery or used on their own. They are also often combined to create a potent treatment.

Hair Loss Doctor in Kansas City and Des Moines

Dr. Scott Darling is the best and most respected hair restoration expert in Kansas City and Des Moines. He combines his knowledge of and expertise in the latest hair restoration techniques, with a gentle and compassionate approach, knowing how hair loss impacts every aspect of a person’s life.

Dr. Darling performs a wide range of hair loss treatments, non-surgical and surgical, to achieve the desired results in as short a time as possible. To find out what your options are, schedule a consultation with Dr. Darling now. Call our hair clinic today at (816) 792-3400 or use our convenient appointment request form. We look forward to helping you regain your lost confidence in your hair.