Hair damage is a sign that you’re exposing your hair to harsh chemicals, you’re not getting the essential nutrients, or you’re simply not taking good care of it.

So, how then do you take care of your hair, so you can keep it healthy and protect it from falling out?

Our hair doctor here at Darling Hair Restoration—Dr. Scott Darling—has given some practical pieces of advice to help you create the best care routine for your hair. Let’s check them out.

  • Choose chemical-free hair products.

Hair products that contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and parabens—which are harsh chemicals— can cause the hair to become dry and brittle. Like many other hair doctors, Dr. Darling suggests you go natural and chemical-free, as far as choosing your shampoo and other hair products.

  • Go natural with your hairstyle.

Heat can damage your strands and make your hair dry and brittle. Hair doctors do not advise against styling your hair; however, you can do it naturally.

For instance, if you’re a woman, you can use plastic curlers or curling rods for curls and waves if they want to style their hair. If you want the blow-dried look, try to limit it to important events. As much as possible, air-dry your hair to reduce the risk of damage from heat styling.

  • Stick to a healthy diet.

Your hair density and texture are largely determined by your genes and age. But there’s one other factor that you have a control over, and that is your diet.

Consuming a diet that lacks the essential nutrients—vitamin A, D, C, and E, and iron, zinc, and protein—can make you susceptible to hair loss.  On the other hand, sticking to a balanced diet can have beneficial effects on both the density and texture of your hair.

  • Make regular hair trim appointments.

Getting a regular trim keeps split ends under control and protects your hair from breakage. If you go without a haircut for six months, you will also likely notice your hair looking limp and lifeless. Trimming your hair encourages healthy hair growth, since split ends can make your hair prone to breakage. Aim to get a trim every three to four months.  

  • Avoid too much sun exposure.

Too much sun exposure is notorious for harming both the skin and the hair. Excessive sun exposure can make the hair dry, as the sun’s UV rays can deplete your hair of its moisture.

To protect your hair from the sun, you can use a leave-in conditioner or hair spray that contains SPF (sun protection factor). The best protection, however, is avoidance, especially between 10 am and 4 pm—when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Also, wear a swim cap before dipping into a chlorinated pool.  

Hair Doctor in Kansas City, MO, and Des Moines, IA

If you’re looking for a good hair doctor in Kansas City, visit us at Darling Hair Restoration for a consultation with Dr. Scott Darling and find out what hair care solutions we have available. We offer an extensive range of innovative non-surgical and surgical hair restoration options for our patients experiencing hair thinning and hair loss.

To make an appointment with Dr. Darling, call us at (816) 792-3400 or use our appointment request form now.