How Does Stem Cell Hair Therapy Work?
By age 50, about 50% of men and approximately 25% of women experience noticeable hair loss. There are many so-called solutions to hair loss and balding, ranging from hairpieces and toupees to oral and topical medications to surgery. If you want your own hair to grow back, or “regenerate,” then you may want to look into stem cell hair therapy to regrow your own hair.
The discovery of stem cells and the exploration into their clinical applications are among the most significant medical breakthroughs in recent history. Stem cells are naturally involved in the production of every type of cell in the body, and they have the ability to become any of a number of specialized cells.
Let’s talk about how stem cell hair therapy works in hair rejuvenation, and where you can go to find out whether it might be a good solution for you.
What Is the Potency of Stem Cells?
Stem cells are located throughout your body. They are involved in and responsible for growing every cell in the body, from the first growth of muscles and bones and organs to the lining in your stomach that is constantly renewed all throughout life.
There are different types of stem cells:
- Pluripotent stem cells are capable of developing into many different types of cells in the body. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells, but they are only present in the first few days after conception (not birth). This type of cell was discovered by scientists who were studying animal embryos.
- Multipotent stem cells are somewhat specialized by the area or system of the body in which they are found. Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that are found throughout a person’s body, starting at approximately six days after conception. This is the type that is used in hair loss
- Umbilical cord stem cells are derived from the cord blood of a newborn infant, per the mother’s consent. These are hematopoietic stem cells which can help foster new blood cell growth.
All types of stem cells have different properties and potential applications, most of which have not yet been discovered and explored. We have barely scratched the surface of this revolutionary area of medical research.
Stem Cell Treatment for Hair Loss
While the process is not yet regulated by the FDA, many patients have reported dramatic improvement in the growth of their own healthy hair after receiving stem cell treatment. One of the benefits of this treatment is that your body will not have an adverse reaction to the stem cells, because they are from your own tissue.
How It Works for Hair Regrowth
The stem cells are harvested directly from your own abdominal fat (adipose) tissue. The tissue is processed to isolate the stem cells, which are concentrated and injected directly by your doctor into your scalp during the same procedure. This encourages the hair follicles to grow.
Some patients who have enjoyed hair regrowth from stem cell therapy required just one treatment, while others showed improvement after three or more. The purpose is to give your scalp a large dose of stem cells to help foster healthy regrowth of follicles.
Hair Restoration in Kansas City and Des Moines
If you are interested in regenerative medicine and its application for hair loss, ask the experts at Darling Hair Restoration. Dr. Scott Darling has helped restore our clients’ hair for years, and he can discuss the options with you – and then administer your solution of choice.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Darling, contact our friendly staff today by calling us at (816) 792-3400 or by filling out our appointment request form online now. We look forward to helping you love your hair again.