Tag Archive for: Hair Restoration near me

Scalp skin cross section diagram showing hair restoration result

How a Hair Doctor Helps Treat Scalp Psoriasis

Frustrated with the uncomfortable itching, hair loss, and embarrassment of scalp psoriasis? Get the help you need from your hair doctor in the Kansas City, MO, area. Here’s more on today’s available treatments for this all-too-common health…
Professional hair loss treatment

Are All ACell Hair Loss Treatments the Same

Whether you are a man or a woman, young, senior or somewhere in between, hair loss is so disappointing. It affects your self-esteem and confidence, too. Thankfully, proven, safe, and effective hair loss treatments are available from trusted…
Dissatisfied woman combing with brush and pulls at her long hair. Feeling pain for nice look in daily activity.

Two Types of Hair Restoration Techniques and Their Purposes

Hair loss is a common condition affecting adults to older ones. Fortunately, many effective surgical and non-surgical options are available for long-lasting, natural-looking hair restoration for both men and women. You must visit a hair restoration…
Hair Transplant

Are There Non-Surgical Ways for Hair Replacement?

Are you battling progressive hair loss but aren’t ready to undergo the knife? Nonsurgical ways for hair replacement don’t exist, but there are hair restoration methods that you can benefit from. What’s the difference? Replacement involves…
closeup woman hand holding hair fall from hairbrush

Hair Replacement, Hair Loss, Hair Problems: Solutions and Treatment

Hair loss is not easy to accept, and in this day and age, you don’t have to. It is recommended that men or women experiencing hair loss seek early medical intervention, especially if they want the best possible results from hair loss treatment.…
Doctor Treating Hair Loss

Proven Methods for Treating Hair Loss

Are you losing more hair than you’re supposed to, or is your hairline starting to recede? You’re not alone. You don’t have to look very far to find someone experiencing hair loss. Fortunately, there is no hair loss problem too great…
Unhappy pregnant woman brushing her hair

Changes in Hair Texture and Growth During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, you may have noticed that your hair is looking and feeling different than before, and it may not be something to complain about. It’s true – pregnant women can have thicker and silkier-looking tresses during pregnancy.…
A woman holding a light pink hair brush and picking her hair out of it.

Hair Replacement and Hair Loss: Facts and Myths

Did you know that 50-100 hair strands fall out of your head every day? Hair fall is a part of the natural hair cycle: some strands fall off, and new ones grow back in. However, when your scalp, or any part of your body, stops replacing fallen…
A bald man getting an outline of where his hairline should be by a physician that is going to perform a hair transplant.

Hair Transplant Choices in Kansas City

Are you perennially struggling with hair loss? Don’t despair! Visit us at Darling Hair Restoration in Kansas City, Missouri for a comprehensive evaluation with our highly qualified hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Scott Darling. If you want…

Hair and Scalp Treatments That Are Natural, Safe, and Effective

If you’re experiencing a burning sensation on your scalp or you’ve noticed that you’re losing a lot more hair than you should, this may be a sign that you should finally ditch those chemical-laden hair products. Why not take advantage…