Natural hair loss treatment secrets with a healthy diet and lifestyle

Young woman worrying about hair loss

The most common types of hair loss are influenced by hereditary factors. However, there is a “nurture” aspect to scalp and hair health. In other words, your lifestyle can also contribute to hair thinning and hair loss. With certain dietary and lifestyle changes, you can keep your hair looking healthy.

Here are a few things that can help with improving hair quality.

Animal Protein

The average American diet is hardly lacking in protein, but you could be deficient if you are vegan, since animal products are the best source of this macronutrient. Hair is made of keratin, which is a type of protein, and you get it from your diet. You can get protein from chicken, fish, and eggs, and you don’t need a lot — just 45 grams per day is enough for healthy hair. If you do not consume meat, talk to your doctor about other rich sources of protein.


Four vitamins are critical for hair health:

  • Iron is needed to deliver oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles. Hair will not grow without iron. The best sources of iron are beans, seafood, and red meat.
  • Vitamin D is the sunlight vitamin, and it is important for strong hair. Just 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure can help prevent vitamin D deficiency. However, in Missouri, the sun doesn’t get high enough during the winter months to get vitamin D. Talk to your doctor about vitamin D supplements during the winter months.
  • Zinc deficiency can cause hair to shed or break off, which leads to hair thinning. The best sources of zinc include fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts — walnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, and almonds.
  • Lifestyle factors can cause selenium Smoking and drinking alcohol and certain medications can affect selenium levels, which can lead to hair loss. Besides making lifestyle changes, consuming yellowfin tuna, pork, beef, turkey, shellfish, and eggs can help prevent selenium deficiency.

Manage Stress Levels

Chronic stress is detrimental to overall health, including hair health. Notice how your face and hair show it when you are going through a period of high stress? There is even a type of hair loss that is stress-induced – telogen effluvium. Stress is part of life, and it will benefit you to learn how to manage it. Sleeping at least eight hours per night and learning relaxation techniques can help control stress.

Everyone has a specific hair type, and it can be difficult to know which products are best used for your hair, which also addresses your hair concerns. For this reason, it would be best to seek out a hair doctor for an individualized hair care plan.

Hair Restoration Expert in Kansas City and Des Moines, MO

If all your efforts to maintain healthy hair fail to produce visible results, consult a hair restoration expert. Dr. Scott Darling is a hair transplant doctor at Darling Hair Restoration. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hair thinning and hair loss. Dr. Darling treats patients with compassion and strives to achieve the best results possible.

To find out what options are available to you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Darling. Call us now at (816) 792-3400 or use our appointment request form. We now offer virtual consults for qualifying patients!