Tag Archive for: Hair Loss Treatment

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss

Will ACell Hair Injections Work Instantly?

If you want to stop hair loss or restore your hairline and are exploring nonsurgical options, or if you have decided to undergo hair transplant surgery and want to boost the results, ACell injections could be the solution you’re searching…
Upset middle aged man looking at a mirror to look at his hair loss

7 Facts About Hair Loss To Help You Prevent It

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States suffer from hair loss. It is a very common problem, but fortunately, there are medical doctors that specialize in treating…
Acell prp hair growth injection therapy

ACell PRP Hair Growth Injection Therapy: How It Works

Are you searching for an effective solution for your hair loss, but you’re just not ready to go under the knife? ACell + PRP therapy could be your best path forward. In fact, hair loss experts are raving about its efficacy and benefits. Below,…
Woman Have hair loss issue

7 Ways to Curb Hair Loss

Is there any way to stop or reduce hair loss? Actually, yes – there are several proactive things you can do. We shed around 50 to 100 hairs every day, but we usually don’t notice it because there is new hair growing back in all the time.…
Woman looking at her hair fall out in a brush

Hair Loss Treatment

Losing hair is a naturally occurring process. Naturally, humans lose 50 to 100 hairs per day. This level of hair loss is very normal and does not lead to hair thinning. Most people don’t even notice it. If you are losing more than these many…
women hair loss

Can ACell + PRP Therapy Stop Hair Loss?

Hair loss can have an alarming effect on a person's self-esteem. If hair loss affects your personality and confidence, it may be time to seek out treatment and get your life back on track. About 50% of men over the age of 50 experience hair…
Man with hair loss

Natural Home Remedies for Hair Loss

When you suddenly notice that your hairline is receding or that your hair is becoming thinner, you will want to know if there is anything natural and simple that you can do to help slow down or stop your hair loss from progressing. After all,…

5 Signs You Need to Visit a Hair Doctor

You may look at one or both of your parents and see exactly why you're losing your hair: male-pattern or female-pattern baldness. However, that doesn't mean you have to accept hair loss – you can do something about it. A hair doctor can…
thinning hair

Factors That Lead to Thinning Hair

Your hair is your crowning glory. That is why you may experience low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression when it starts to thin. Fortunately, there are a lot of available treatment options for thinning hair. The right choice for you will depend…
women hair loss

Treatments for Women’s Hair Loss

Hair loss is not a respecter of gender – it affects women as well as men. A woman might reach her forties before thinning becomes noticeable, but it’s more common than you may realize. There are treatments available for both women and…