thinning hair

Factors That Lead to Thinning Hair

Your hair is your crowning glory. That is why you may experience low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression when it starts to thin. Fortunately, there are a lot of available treatment options for thinning hair. The right choice for you will depend…
Receding Hairline

How to Stop and Regrow a Receding Hairline

No one wants thinning hair, but it is a reality for millions of people every year. Thinning hair that begins at the temples and slowly spreads across the top of the head is common among men above the age of 30. Fortunately, there are a lot…
Thinning Hair in Women

Causes of Thinning Hair in Women

If you are seeing more hair on your brush or shower drain than usual, your hair could be thinning. Symptoms of thinning hair include a widening hairline, patches of missing hair, reduced hair volume, and hair breakage. Hair thinning in women…
hair loss

Stem Cell & PRP Therapies for Hair Loss

If you’re suffering from hair loss and hair transplant surgery is not an option for you, don’t lose hope – there are a variety of other ways you can restore your lost hair. Two excellent methods are stem cell therapy and platelet-rich…
hair vitamin

Vitamins that Help with Hair Loss

Hair loss is a universal problem shared by both men and women. Hair loss can negatively impact your confidence and can make you look and feel older and less attractive – but the good news is that there is treatment available to combat the…
women hair loss

Treatments for Women’s Hair Loss

Hair loss is not a respecter of gender – it affects women as well as men. A woman might reach her forties before thinning becomes noticeable, but it’s more common than you may realize. There are treatments available for both women and…
hair loss

Methods Designed to Slow Hair Loss

For men and women who are losing their hair and have valiantly tried to fight it using treatments like shampoos and topical medications – don’t lose hope! Medical advancements have helped hair loss and hair thinning become issues of the…
Women's Vs Men's Hair loss

(Video) Traumatic Alopecia

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In this video Dr. Darling describes Traumatic Alopecia and shows how it is reversed in this patient. If you have suffered hair loss from a traumatic event like this patient who lost her hair during a treadmill accident, Darling Hair Restoration…
Alopecia Treatment - Alopecia areata

What Is Alopecia?

Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss that is caused by an autoimmune disease. With this condition, your body is actively attacking your hair follicles thinking that they are a foreign invader. As a result, your hair falls out rapidly, resulting…
Women's Vs Men's Hair loss

Women’s vs. Men’s Hair Loss

Hair loss may affect women and men differently in the sense that gender hair loss patterns can vary. However, one thing’s for sure, losing your hair takes a toll on your emotional health. So much of your identity is tied to your hair and its…